Imagine this...
You step onto your mat, disconnecting from the outside world for a little while
The fire is roaring
You are surrounded & encompassed by a warming Glow
You lay down
You feel warm, held, supported and free..
You e x h a l e
You slow down
You unwind
You let go
Over the course of two and a half hours, as darkness falls, the glow of a hundred twinkling candles light your journey
You are held
You get to spend two and a half whole hours indulging in:
Breathing a little deeper, a little slower, a little more fully
Practicing gorgeous Yin Yoga
Snuggling into delicious Restorative Poses
Listening to heartwarming words (I can't wait to share some gems with you!)
Softening into stillness
Meditating on love
Drifting into Dreamy Relaxation
Being treated to some festive goodies 😋
During this extra special event, we will allow ourselves to take a big step back from the busyness of the outside world, devote a whole two and a half hours to YOU and allow yourself to fully Slow Down for Christmas
I promise that you will leave this event a better version of yourself than when you arrived.
And you might just find that you're able to enjoy Christmas even more because you came 😉