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My friend got a payrise

Yesterday my friend got a payrise – a BIG one.

And it got me thinking about money and our whole attitude around it.

She got the payrise because she asked for it and I am SO proud of her! In fact, I gave her a pep talk when she was worried about being seen as ‘greedy’ for wanting more.

Here’s my take on it.

Money is energy. It is just e n e r g y.

Everything is energy! And more than that, money is a neutral energy. Essentially it is just notes/coins/numbers on a screen. It is US who attach meaning to it. And it seems to me that we’re attaching all the wrong and unhelpful meanings to it!

You see, money (to me at least) = freedom.

Money = being able to be your best self with no worries

Money = being able to help those you love and donate to causes you believe in

The more money you have, the more resources you have to do good with.

And yet… The subject of money is so CHARGED with judgement, negativity and resentment.

I’ll be honest. Had this happened years ago, before I had done all the money mindset/belief work I have done over the last few years I would very likely have been resentful of her payrise myself. Jealous at the very least. I would have had the attitude of ‘why does she get all this money when I don’t’ in fact, I DID have that attitude when it came to colleagues of mine and how much they earned (a LOT more than me!) and I was resentful about it. Hugely. Funny when I look back because resentment does not feel good. Judging people for earning more than you does not make you feel good. So why are we like that?

Today I feel completely different about money. I do not believe that wanting more makes you a bad person. Why would it?

You see, contrary to what we’re led to believe, we live in an abundant world. We live in a world of limitless resources and endless sources of revenue. The trouble is – mainstream media will have you believe the opposite – that we live in a world where there isn’t enough money to go around, and that we have to struggle just to get by.

Chances are these are the beliefs you’ve grown up with, I know I certainly have. Scarcity consciousness is rife.

I have been brought up to believe that rich people are greedy. That you have to slog your guts out if you want to earn lots of money. That it’s wrong to want more than you have.

Today, I say no.

Some of the wealthiest people I know are kind hearted, generous & loving. My most inspirational mentors (some of them millionaires) give SO much away and help more people than you can imagine.

The people I look up to in this world circulate their wealth.

The truth is there is limitless money in this world.

The truth is that you having more does not mean that someone else has less.

The truth is that there can be greedy people with money and kind, warm, generous people with money. If you are already a greedy person, you will be greedy with money. If you are already a good person, you will be a good person with money.

Money is an amplifier. It amplifies who you are at your core. And so this is why I am thrilled at the news of my friends payrise. She is a good soul (one of my favourite souls in the world in fact) and I know that she will do good with her money. I celebrate her abundance with her.

I believe this world needs more money to go into the hands of good, kind hearted women. Not narcissistic, power hungry men who are out of touch with what ordinary life is like for ordinary people.

It is not wrong to want more. Why would it be?

It is not wrong to want more love

It is not wrong to want more sunshine

It is not wrong to want more laughter

So why on earth would it be wrong to want more money?

We HAVE to get out of this mindset that people with money are ‘bad’ and people who want more money are ‘wrong’ I’m learning that the opposite is true.

And to tell you the absolute truth, the journey of my own money mindset has been challenging!

In 2020 I lost EVERYTHING. All my work & income and received no support at all, from anywhere.

For 12 months (a whole year!) I taught my classes online by donation. There was no price or fee for my classes & work, I just asked people donate what they could (if they could) and over that year I earned £7k. Despite earning so little, I invested everything I could into my coaching & healing business. After that initial 12 months, I implemented a booking system and a charge for each class. I was SO scared to do this because I was frightened people would think I was being greedy for charging for my work. Most people stuck with me (for which I will be forever grateful) and a few did not. I remember receiving a message from one lady which even now makes my heart sink ‘I’m sorry Jenny I just can’t afford these prices’

I felt SO guilty. Like I was wrong for charging for my services. It took a LOT of mindset work to get out of that headspace. I wasn't wrong. And my friend isn't wrong for asking for her payrise.

I have learned (and continue to learn) that it is not wrong to charge for what you are worth. It is not wrong to own your worth. It is not wrong to want more for yourself.

Money allows us to take good care of ourselves and when we are taken care of, we are our best selves and of best service to those around you.

I will continue to charge what my services are worth (and celebrate everyone else doing the same)

I will continue to offer free resources to people, (keep looking out for more free classes & meditations coming to your inbox!) because I want you to feel the truth that we live in an abundant world!

I will continue to know & believe & trust that wanting more is not wrong – it’s brave & wonderful & inspiring.


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